Вечером 7 января по улице Декабристов 36 между 3 и 2 корпусом в Кисловодске на видео сняли водителя, который решил спуститься по пешеходной лестнице на автомобиле
The main conceptual idea of the text is a driver in Kislovodsk was caught on video driving down a pedestrian staircase, causing damage to the structure.
The incident is being investigated by authorities who plan to identify the driver and hold them accountable for both the damage and the violation of traffic regulations. The mayor of Kislovodsk expresses his outrage at the driver's reckless behavior.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a driver in Kislovodsk was caught on video driving down a pedestrian staircase, causing damage to the structure. The incident is being investigated by authorities who plan to identify the driver and hold them accountable for both the damage and the violation of traffic regulations. The mayor of Kislovodsk expresses his outrage at the driver's reckless behavior.